Documentation: Clubmanager Billing
Dues collection made easy
After installing the "clubmanager_billing" extension, the "Billing" module is available in the TYPO3 backend. The sitemap provides a basic overview of the functionalities and structure of the documentation. Our customers will have personalized access to the subpages that document the configuration and management in detail.
The key functions at a glance
TYPO3 Admin: Configuration
① Billing Data Setup: Configuring the billing data record to manage member invoices effectively.
② Automated Billing Management: Streamlining billing processes with the Planner Task to automate tasks.
③ Email Configuration: Setting up and customizing email notifications for billing and member communications.
④ Invoice Access in Member Area: Providing access to invoices within the member area for convenient access and management.
TYPO3-Editor: Management
① The "Billing" Module Overview: An overview of the billing module in the TYPO3 backend.
② Billing Settings for Members: Configuration of billing settings for members, including membership status and fees.
③ Searching & Locating Invoices: Search and filter invoices to find specific records.
④ Member Marking: Marking members for specific actions or notifications.
⑤ Sending Notifications to Members: Sending notifications and messages to selected members.
⑥ Generating Custom Documents: Creating individual billing documents for members.
⑦ Generating the SEPA XML Bank File: Automated generation of the SEPA XML bank file for direct debit procedures.
⑧ Customizing Individual Invoices: Customizing and editing individual invoices for members.
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